Learn to Drive Innovation in Your Small Business

innovationInnovation has become an important word for small businesses, in fact all businesses especially since the Prime Minister released the government’s $1.1 billion innovation plan last year. But how can you as a small business actually put it into practice.

In an article on HuffingtonPost.com.au, Dr Amantha Imber, an innovation psychologist, author and founder of a business consultancy says we shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the term, it simply means a change that adds value to the company.

It’s an all inclusive term, so anyone in the business, regardless of their position can come up with ways to innovate in their specific designation.

So what can we do new or differently to benefit the future of the business? Let’s read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/04/18/expert-tips-for-small-business-to-introduce-and-drive-innovation/

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